Modern Jewish Orthodox Wedding
Jeff Kolodny Photography

Modern Jewish Orthodox Wedding

Infrared photo of a bride at a Modern Jewish Orthodox Wedding

I shot this photo at a Modern Orthodox wedding which took place at a house in Miami Florida. The couple rented this huge house in a beautiful wooded area of Miami. As usual I arrived early and had plenty of time to scout around for great photography locations. When I went around the side of the house I came across this very old storage shed with these beautiful vines hanging down. Shooting infrared in difficult because the different tones tend to blend together. What possessed me to use this location was actually the dark spot created by the opening in the entrance way. I knew that by putting the bride in the entrance, I would be placing her against a dark tone which would make her appear more clearly in the image.

This is one of my favorite infrared photos taken at a Jewish Orthodox Wedding in Miami. I find that photographing Jewish Orthodox weddings are not only interesting but also fun. Normally at a Jewish wedding the bride and groom see each other before the ceremony. This gives me plenty of time to get some really cool and unique photos. Having the Bride and Groom together with no other people around helps to create a situation where the bride and groom can simply be themselves and have fun while enjoying the photography process.

Anyone who I photograph will quickly find that my method posing is simple and fun. While I definitely pose, I don't pose the bride and groom is such a way that they feel awkward. I first pose, then I let them be themselves. Sometimes I'll just give the couple posing tips and give just the slightest direction.

When couples are considering getting married in South Florida they often think about the beach. However, South Florida and Miami have so many other unique and beautiful locations to choose from. In this case an old home in the woods was the perfect place for this Modern Orthodox Wedding.

As a South Florida wedding photographer I get to photo a wide range of weddings, I have photographed many Catholic weddings, Indian weddings, and of course Jewish weddings. I have photographed more Jewish weddings than any other type of wedding ceremony. Maybe this is because I myself an Jewish and can relate to the Jewish traditions and culture. I also happen to thing Jewish weddings in South Florida are the most fun. While this wedding was Orthodox it was also a very laid back affair.

If you are planning a wedding in South Florida and need help finding a great wedding venue feel free to give us a call. As a South Florida wedding and event photographer, I have worked in almost every location Florida has available. I'm not only familiar with the entire Miami area, I'm also experienced working in , South Beach, The Gables, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton and Palm Beach. Often recently engaged couple will reach out to me for wedding venue suggestions. In addition I work with many talented event planners, Decor Companies, and Music companies.

Our phone number is (954) 560-1533. Feel free to call if there is anything we could help you with.

Location: Event venue in Miami Beach, Florida.

(954) 560-1533 - South Florida Wedding & Event Photographer