I thought you would enjoy seeing some photos from our recent vacation. As you might already know, food photography is one of my passions and I took every opportunity on this trip to photograph as many delicious dishes as possible. Yes – the food was as tasty as it looks! I have thrown in a few other photos too to give an idea as to the atmosphere of the trip and some of the sights we saw.
Below is a photo of the beautiful Disney Magic docked in Tortola and a yummy gourmet pizza made with gorgonzola cheese and grapes – a really delicious combination.
This salad was really good. That big mound on top is actually goat cheese! The dressing was some sort of honey mustard vinaigrette. So good!
More entrees at Palo. Luscious lambchops on the left and lobster and pasta on the right.
I can’t tell you how many windows we passed in Barcelona with magnificent displays of baked goods and various croissants. Here is just an example of two of those fabulous displays. It makes you just want to grab one and start chewing!
Love this one – chocolate soufflé at Palo! They include a choice of either chocolate or vanilla sauce AND ice cream. The absolute best dessert ever and a favorite of our group.
Even the main dining rooms on the Disney Magic produce impeccable dishes. The dish on the left was a “lighter” entree, a colorful salad with extra large and juicy shrimp. On the right is a tasty seared tuna appetizer. We have lots of tuna lovers here too.
There it is – the Disney Magic’s baked Alaska dessert complete with a sweet meringue cookie on top. What a perfect ending on the last night! Of course, we ordered a birthday cake as well – since one dessert is never enough!
On the left is the typical Spanish bread served at every meal. It seemed to be a light spread of tomato and olive oil on top. Much more interesting than plain old butter. The dish on the right was a very different mix than what we are used to eating. Instead of just plain wasabi with the raw tuna, this dish included sliced green apple beneath – it was almost like a slaw, then some fresh, thick pieces of tuna topped by some greens.
The workmanship and details on the chocolate pieces never ceased to amaze me. They had everything from Mickey Mouse shaped chocolate garnishes to customized PALO chocolate swirls below. These pieces just melt in your mouth. I could eat just that element of the dessert and be happy. Well almost. And check out the cookie spoon on the right. Unbelievable.
Look at the yummy, yummy caramel stick think on the left. The whipped cream, mouse and chocolate basket shell just made this the perfect dessert.
Below, a typical Spanish breakfast menu including lots of chocolate (xocolata) items! To the right is a colorful salad with 3 different kinds of smoked meats.
At the same place we had the gnocchi, someone ordered the juicy and incredibly seasoned filet mignon on the left. This was so amazing that even our 7 year old ate it and was making yummy noises. He rarely can be coaxed into eating steak, but this one he was NOT turning down. The dish on the right was fish mixed with other seafood including the incredibly unusual cuttlefish eggs. Don’t ask. The rest was fabulous!
This tasty appetizer was also a gem. It includes shrimp with pesto, tomato and some sort of cheese. All I can remember is that it was absolutely DEEElicious!

Tapas! Yes, there was a bit of over eating, but there were 5 of us sharing!! Not as bad as it seems… The shrimp was so taste and those roasted green peppers were both sweet and spicy.
There is Joel enjoying his warm chocolate milk at breakfast at a cafe. On the right is a chocolate mousse dessert with all kinds of goodies on the place. As you might have guessed, we have a lot of chocolate lovers in the family!
Gnocchi!! I believe this variety had spinach inside. Very rich and truly mouthwatering.
A shot of lovely Madeira, Portugal. This magical island is basically made of volcanic rock, so the landscape and mountains are incredibly picturesque. In addition to food photography, I also enjoy photographing interesting places and scenics.
Another shot of an old highway that is no longer used in Madeira. Until recently, this road was the only way to get around.
This delectable tuna sandwich and cafe latte was one of the first meals we had in Barcelona. So savory and delicious!! I just had to photograph this one – it’s one of the most colorful tuna sandwiches I’ve ever had. Just look at those roasted peppers and olives.
This picture perfect spot is The Baths at Virgin Gorda in the British West Indies. Quite a trek to get there, but so worth it! The water is crystal clear and the place is truly idyllic.
Eggs benedict galore at Palo during their totally decadent brunch.
Two more inventive salads. The first included bacon and goat cheese piled atop some greens with a vinaigrette. The second was a tower of greens with tomato and marinated tuna on top. Amazing!
This was a magnificent Chilean Sea Bass entree at Palo, Restaurant on the Disney Magic. At least 3 people in our party ordered this one. So tender and tasty. One of the best fish dishes I’ve ever had. Just look at how they do they vegetables. As you will see, there is so much attention to detail in the preparation of all the meals.
Lamb “spare ribs” or something of that sort on the left and on the right, well, that needs no description. Look at the size of that magnificent lobster tail! Below, is a blini appetizer- mini pancakes filled with a smoked salmon mixture. This was a good one!