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Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photograher

South Florida wedding photographer shoots in beautiful Punta Cana!

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As a South Florida based photographer I love photographing destination weddings.

I love my job and when I’m holding a camera I am in my element.  However, traveling to a faraway place to shoot a wedding is even more exciting. 

Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photographer

What a spectacular wedding week for Ravi and Azadeh! As they live year-round in Toronto, Canada, selecting a warm tropical paradise setting for their wedding was a no brainer. Their wedding planner extraordinaire, Jamica Andani of Weddings in the Tropics, said that when the bride and groom came in for a consultation they indicated that they were looking for an intimate venue, silky sand beach and a more contemporary resort that would provide an extraordinary experience for their guests. They were also looking for a totally unique venue, and they found just that thanks to Jamica’s help.

Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photographer

The Majestic Elegance Resort’s spectacular upper and lower lobby areas.

The Majestic’s striking front desk.

Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photographer


Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photographer
Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photographer
Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photographer
Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photographer

With Jamica’s vast experience conducting Caribbean destination weddings, she had just the place in mind – the fabulous Majestic Elegance Resort in the lush paradise of Punta Cana, Domincan Republic. As far as exotic destination weddings go, Punta Cana is truly one of the most amazing spots in the Caribbean for such an occasion. It’s never-ending greenery, magnificent beaches, warm tropical weather and friendly locals render it a perfect paradise for a destination wedding getaway! The resort is breathtaking – with a pool that simply never ends. It snakes through the entire resort and finally comes to an end right at the edge of the beach. We’ve seen nothing like this anywhere! The immense open-air lobby is grandiose to say the least, with a huge chandelier and seating just about everywhere for guests to congregate. A gorgeous staircase leads down to a lobby bar from two sides. If you don’t want to descend too quickly – there is another lobby bar on the main level as well. No shortage of places to get a nice, cold drink. As we checked in, we were pleasantly greeted and given the most delicious drink – it was a frosty and refreshing concoction with mango and I don’t know what else – some sort of alcohol. All I can say is YUMMY! It was called, appropriately, the “Majestic.”

Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photographer
Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photographer

Ravi and Azadeh’s story is great – they actually met at work. Ravi was Azadeh’s boss! They were each taken by each other almost from the get go and the rest is history. Their backgrounds are both rich with tradition. Ravi is Indian and Azadeh is Persian, so the wedding festivities included full ceremonies for both cultures. Jamica designed the Indian wedding in traditional vibrant colors of gold, bright pinks, oranges. India is the land of the Maharajas (kings) where they have extravagant weddings with rich fabrics, beads and jewel color stones – so Ravi wanted to be a 21st century Maharaja. He certainly was at this most colorful celebration that included a full Indian ceremony and party afterwards. Ravi wore a sherwani suit while Azadeh wore a magnificent wedding lengha.

Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photographer

The two families from different cultures brought a distinctive flair to both wedding ceremonies. The traditions were very much present and observed at the Indian ceremony with a Mandap and the Ballroom looked like an ancient Hindu Temple. You could feel how the décor reflected the sacredness of the ceremony les by Pandit Sharma, All the elements such as mango leaves, incense, milk, the nuptial rounds were around the fire by the bride and groom. Both Hindu and Persian wedding design, planning and coordination started 8 months prior in Toronto with Jamica. What an unbelievable job she did putting all this together! Most of the materials were flown in from Canada then had to be set up, broken down and shipped back. It was a monumental task that Jamica pulled off flawlessly. In addition to the two full wedding ceremonies, there were many other events during the week that required planning – a welcome dinner, beach party, goodbye dinner, and a formal wedding reception.

Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photographer
Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photographer
Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photographer

Party after the Indian wedding ceremony.

Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photographer
Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photographer

The grounds at the Majestic Elegance Resort. The pool seems to go on and on and on…

Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photographer
Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photographer

The Persian wedding was equally as elaborate as the Inidan wedding, with the traditional Sofreh (table facing the bride and groom) with a display of candles, sweets, flowers, honey and a mirror symbolizing fertility, happiness and prosperity. Nothing was left out – the table was filled! The Persian ceremony took place at the Majestic Elegance’s breathtaking gazebo. It was a Muslim ceremony, the Nikah, led by Ms. Fay. Azadeh was radiant in a spectacular traditional white wedding gown for this ceremony, while her bridesmaids wore gowns of sumptuous tropical green. Later in the day there was a formal dinner reception at one of the hotel’s many restaurants, followed by a beautifully decorated beach party.

Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photographer
Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photographer
Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photographer
Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photographer
Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photographer
Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photographer
Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photographer
Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photograher

In front of the Majestic Elegance Resort’s gorgeous wedding gazebo.

Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photographer
Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photographer
Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photographer
Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photographer
Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photographer
Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photographer

This was an amazing Caribbean destination wedding for all! Guests attended from as far away Hawaii, Holland, New York and of course, Toronto where the bulk of the guests were from. I don’t think anyone could have anticipated that a Punta Cana wedding could be just so sublime. A most exotic location, Majestic Elegance Resort offered a unique tropical experience of true elegance as its name suggests and an unparalleled array of locations throughout that served as backdrops for the incredible photographs we were able to create. Many thanks to both Ravi and Azadeh for their cooperation and enthusiasm as we were taking all these photos (and video!!) Additional thanks goes to Jamica for a job well done and for being so pleasant to work with.

Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photographer
Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photographer

A stunning couple at a most magnificent Punta Cana beach!

Destination wedding photography taken by a South Florida Wedding Photographer


I love to keep busy shooting weddings, corporate assignments, food and all kinds of really cool stuff.  I would love to share more of my most recent pictures.  I update my Instagram feed almost every day.  Take a look!   


Faruk Iqbal: wow great photography. And the credit also goes to the lovely couple too….wishing them happy married life.. (May 31, 14, 05:19am)

bryan: I love love indian weddings. great colors (Apr 15, 11, 03:13pm)

Color Experts: You’ve done really excellent job! what a nice photography! Color Experts International is a 24 hour and overnight online Graphic Design and Image Manipulation service provider. Clipping Path and Photoshop Image Masking Service is our Specialty. You will get 2 free trials to judge our quality and services. Website: (Mar 15, 11, 01:47am)

perfektphoto: Love all the colors throughout this wedding. Almost thought he wasn’t going to make it with the pool jump! (Feb 16, 11, 06:45pm)

Ellie- Atlanta Wedding Photographer: The color in these is just stunning! I’m impressed with how blue you were able to get the water in the last one. Beautiful! (Feb 14, 11, 04:53pm)

Shamima Sultana: wow..what a wonderful photos…really love the wonderful moments…its just awesome. (Feb 10, 11, 04:01am)

suriya: Great pictures…we jut loved the colourful scenes… the couple is so happy ..and 2 so so rich ceremonies…the photography…and decor is very beautiful….lots of details…very nice Jeff Kolodny…very nice photos (Feb 9, 11, 12:54am)

Mary and JIm: We happen to be there during the wedding week and were amazed at the stunning arrangements made by the wedding planner. Jamica is such a warm person, always ready to help, a most talented, dedicated individual who is a well known person in Punta Cana, we were t amazingly fascinated by her and how well she interacted with resort staff and guests. Thank you for being such a help to us and introducing us to Jeff Kolodny s work and amazing work. Jim and Mary from GUELPH ON (Jan 29, 11, 07:01pm)

Chaba Vigh: This wedding has a unique feel to it, it has to lo a lot probably with the wonderful couple. What a location….. (Jan 23, 11, 06:44pm)

Jaimie Dee – Atlanta Wedding Photographer: Bahaaha. Jumping across the pool!! So brave!!! 🙂 Awesome pictures! (Jan 19, 11, 08:54pm)

Arnold M. Wilson: Srtiking photos! Bright and exspessive! What a wonderful wedding! (Jan 19, 11, 10:11am)

Scott Kelsey : Amazing… Just found your site this morning and your work is inspiring! thanks. (Jan 19, 11, 08:59am)

Digital Photography Fan: These images are stunning…love your work!! (Jan 15, 11, 09:10am)

Jill@TeenageBride: Wow these photos are stunning works of art. Not only is the location beautiful,. but the bride is positively radient! (Jan 13, 11, 09:15am)

Jamica Andani: Dear Jeff and Robin, a huge thank you for these great collection of pictures. Thank you for working with me so patiently and so diligently. Your passion for what you do makes you one of the best photographers I have come across It was an amazing experience and Ravi and Azadeh and their families were such a wonderful group to be with. What a beautiful week we all had! Robin, you are the woman behind the great man….Many thanks for all your immense help and hard work and your eternal gentle smile… Jamica (Jan 11, 11, 11:48pm